Wednesday, 25 December 2019


Our product meets the strictest More information. An IP phone can be internal located in the office or external located outside the office. Save and reboot your phone for the changes to take effect. Programming TSi softkeys 1. TCP to the TalkSwitch unit acting as local proxy. Using A Key Assignment Template The TalkSwitch system will use upnp to automatically set up port forwarding, and the Automatic upnp Enabled link will appear. talkswitch 480i firmware

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The Save Template As window appears. If required, you can map a different port. The TalkSwitch system will automatically configure each handset. Saving a key assignment template You can use the template file as a starting point for the key assignments for another extension. External IP Extensions 6.

To display the key assignments from a template file, click Open Template. The Firewall Test window appears.

On the TSi phone: On the TSi or TSi phone: Choose Network settings, and then press the OK key.

Configure the router, if setting up an external IP extension. This commonly occurs with external IP extensions if the correct ports are not open in the firewall.

This unit will hold the voic for the extension. Customizing Your Phone TalkSwitch currently supports the following IP phones: There should be no adjustments required for the firewall at the remote phone location.

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LifeSize Communications has made every effort to ensure that the 480 More information. For instructions on obtaining firmware for your region and language, contact your Authorized TalkSwitch reseller.

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It lists the packet type, labels to aid in port identification, port number, IP address and protocol of each required port. You can select a different preferred codec for the TalkSwitch profile. The Open Template window appears. Not all features listed are available by default.


It can be connected directly to the BT Versatility system or installed at More information. See your router documentation.

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Use the cursor keys to navigate to the Restore Defaults menu, then press Enter or Show. Note that multiple IP extensions can share the same base. It features fashionable and sleek design, and talkswitcg. Adding Other IP Phones Any services More information. If required, click the Manual Port Mapping Required link.

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Contact your reseller or TalkSwitch Customer Support if registration is still unsuccessful. See Configuring the router on page 2.

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The phone is available for use, but you can configure additional features with the TalkSwitch Management software. Lights or icons are not used for Park keys. Park A Caller For phones with softkeys, a status icon and extension call ID will be displayed beside the softkey.

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